Sunday, July 20, 2003

I just came from UST to attend a Nu107 gig called Kontrabanda.
And the event simply rocked...oh wait, that's a cliche...
Anyway, on the way there it rained hard. It was when I was in Cainta, about to get to Junction. So there I was, stuck inside a non-airconditioned bus, and the traffic wasn't really moving, given to the fact that our bus was huge and a lot of smaller vehicles kept on cutting at us. I hate it when it's humid. So since it was raining, the air became thick with water vapors (aha! Science!) and I sat in that bus, feeling very sticky that I badly wanted a bath, even if I just took a bath just 40 minutes earlier.
One look at my phone told me that it was already 3:52. I was supposed to meet Carol by the UST Hospital at 6:00 sharp!
And I have no idea how it all happened, but by the time I got to UST it was it just took me an hour and 38 minutes to travel from Antipolo to UST! And that included the terrible traffic situation I had to endure.

SO on with the gig...


We got in the UST Sports Complex (after being thouroughly searched for deadly weapon and after the gaurd had splashed through my ass as he did) in time to catch IMAGO starting their set with "Untitled," a very nice Filipino song that is to be included in the second album but deeply a reminiscent of the first album. Then what followed dragged me to the mud pits! They were all LOUD. Not Chico Sci loud, but Rage Against the Machine loud, which totally rocked if the idea that it's Aia up there singing wouldn't disturb you. But still, Imago has always been existing to carry a very deep sense of musical ecclecticism, so I wasn't surprised that tribal, Celtic and New Age found their way into their sound; what really surprised me was that they went for the ROAR approach.

Honestly, I have no idea in hell what Aia has been doing these past few months. She's become more slender (or tastefully slim, depending on mindset) and more girly. Gone are the days where you'd see her brightly smiling, garbed in an endearing shirt-jeans-and-sneakers getup. Now, we get the sexier Aia, smiling with a hint of seduction reflecting in her eyes, in a sleeveless shirt and mini skirt, sometimes with a beanie cap (that is now the trend among actresses and gay stand up comics) and (oh no!) high-heeled sandals.
Personally, I have no objections with her own taste, but I want the old Aia back...

Perhaps Aia is now working for a Call Center. She has changed her appearance, something that some call centers' supervisors encourage their operators in doing, and she now has a very American-sounding accent. I could be wrong, though, this is a DEAD THOUGHT.


Total satisfaction! It was in this performance that I really saw how Sugar Free has become popular. Everyone was singing themselves hoarse to Mariposa, Telepono and Insomya. And then the band even sang a new song for their upcoming follow-up (which I suspect would be sometime next year since they have just launched their debut last Feb), the song is called Tao, and I couldn't like it more. Ebe seemed to have HUGE lungs, just as Aia. He could belt out high notes I could only dream of doing, though not as high as Brix Ferraris' or Luke Mijares', but I'd prefer Ebe's smooth unfalcettos than Brix/Luke's ear-numbing pitch. Jal doesn't lack in that department, singing as back-up, his voice simply complements Ebe's though not as richly as the Dicta License/Imago vocal blending.
And with Gela, Carol and I went to the covered court after their performance to hang out with them. I could have said that they were so nice, but I guess they didn't even have the opportunity to show that they were, because sa soon as their asses have barely touched their seats they were bombarded by fans with things to autograph.
Things you do for your fans.

I feel a litle guilty saying this but Genie, Ebe's girl, has definitely caught my attention! Her charm is in her innocent manners. Her eyes had nothing but cheery reflections and her lips seem to always smile. Her boyish bob, which if worn by other women would make them look lesbianic, instead pushed her to femininity.
I like looking at Genie, But of course, that's all I can do. I have too much decency to do anything other than that.

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