Friday, February 11, 2005


- Still pleasurably plump. I have to begin hating this plumpness, so I could get a lot more plump out of me so I can go back to my plumless self (circa college Freshman days, when I used to tease the B5 Twins, Nino and Raymond, about their apparent plumpness).

- I have done a rehashed, refined version of Bong, my teenage assasin...oh wait, in my storyline he just turned 18 and it just so happened that I'm no longer in a raunchy/gory/violent mood these past few months, so he's just a spy now, taking in assignments only after he's done with homework. His biggest problem would be his older sister, who wouldn't let him out the house after 9pm, problem is his classes end at 8pm...

I'm about done with three pages of the comics. It's in Taglish, but mostly in Filipino, to capture the Filipino flavor. And as for the artowrk, I want to give it an indie, raw approach by not giving too much attention to detail and allowing each and every mistake go into every page.

- I have no idea what's happening in the new Hal Jordan comic, Green Lantern: Rebirth. I feel so deprived.

- I'm looking forward to this month's leg of the Flame Monthly Crowd. I'm hoping that a few more missing faces pop into the scene. And also because my best bud Wacko is in town for a few days of vacation, after which he's gonna head back to Cebu and confront his Supervisorial duties.

- A sign of my being pathetic: Once I changed my status in my Fiendster profile from SINGLE to In A Relationship. Am I pathetic or what?

- About the new Syndrome Lyrics on the right panel, NO I HAVE NOT BEEN WATCHING THE SOAP, SPIRITS, it's just one of the most requested songs in RX.

-These past few days I have been listening only to RX RT (except for that Itchyworms guesting last Sunday) and no 89.9. I have no clue why. At first I thought it was I was subliminally looking for variety. But I guess it's a no for that then.

_ I am experienceing an emotional unbalanced of some sorts. It\s weird that at one time I'm happy, then depressed, shift back to being happy, angry and sometimes I get into what I call my Surreal Phase, because when I close my eyes I see shapes and colors and random images crashing into each other. Seriously weird. And then there's always that sluggish black, inky thing that strays from left to right. Eeek. Have I gone insane? Or is my Surreal Phase trying to tell me something?

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