Monday, October 24, 2005

Team Uranus Reunion

Two weeks ago, I was roused from my dreamless sleep my my cell's message tone. I groggily grabbed it and read Raf's message. They were planning to have a reunion. I replied immediately saying that I'd go and slumped back to sleep.

The following Saturday, I headed for the Creativity Lounge to transcribe my Wilson Tortosa interview. Before I went home I dropped by McDonald's, Greenbelt to meet up with John. So we just talked and talked for what felt was 30 mins but was already past an hour. So I had bid him farewell and lunged for the next bus to Ortigas.

When I got to Maru, our reunion venue. An hour later -I wanted to go to Saguijo and watch AdmitOne instead- Jinx and Jigs who were both already making fun of me even before they talked to me, approached. Ahh, I missed that. A few more chats and Raf and Mimi came in next. Marilou followed. Apparently that was the reunion, just us.

Jinx and MarilouMIMI's Earth ,Wind & FireDa Boys- minus Me
Missing in Action:
  • Jess
  • Kat
  • Vangie
  • Jen
  • Joy
  • Em
  • Che
    kayo pa din?Yehey!Boy band ba 'yan?

    Blooming MarilouI didn't know Maru was a karaoke bar. And I really don't sing, at least not anymore. But we had fun and bonds were reconnected, and that was the point.
    Jinxy A few Earth ,Wind&Fires, some Beatles and one particularly creepy Willie Revillame later, we headed to Starbucks in Metrowalk where I had a tall cream-based caramel-frappe (YUM), and Jinx had a venti Rhumba. By the time the rhumba was takin effect (Jinx was really shaking and her chest was palpitating) we were knee-deep in ghost stories. These were personal experiences which makes them all the more creepier -including one particularly nerve-numbing tale about a swaying ink-black man.

    bilyran creepy bilyaran
    Before we went home we "dropped" by Gutson's and watched Jinx and Raff slug it out on the billiard table.

    I got home around 6:00 am.

  • 1 comment:

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      dude, my pseudo billiards expert shot?
