Friday, October 29, 2004

I had the most unfortunate accident of staring at Krystala for five minutes...well, it was both annoying and enlightening. ANNOYING because that very same night, between sleep and awake, I saw an image of her in that blasted costume and now...and now it's embedded into my consciousness. I even see it whenever I close my eyes. I hope this affliction is temporary.

However, on the other hand, it made me think of my superhero era, where every conversation I make involves a DC or Marvel character (my friends also refer to it as my X-Men stage). And now I am rethinking my script-writing style. Though I have preferred to make realistic stories (that never even reached pencilling stage), the storytelling method -from my point of view- is still decidedly superhero-ish.

It's not really a new thing, but at least I'm becoming more conscious regarding my writing, which I now take a little more seriously. Back then, I just write stories out of the blue, without designing the characters first or plotting the outline or even planning the general direction I want the readers to take. Before I knew it, I was inking pages without knowing what'll happen in the next page.


--And maybe, once I've mastered writing, I'll try writing screenplays.

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